Putting the post-colonial cycle of capitalism to good use
'Obroni wawu' translates directly to 'dress of the dead white man'. A description Ghanaian locals came up with when the first wave of second-hand clothes from the West swept into their country in the 1970’s. They could not believe that clothing of such quality was just given away. Instead they assumed that the previous owners must have died. Dead White Men's Clothes is a fashion project in collaboration with artist Jojo Gronostay. It sets out to provoke a discourse on capitalism, post-colonialism, waste, responsibility and the future of fashion. The fashion label sources used, discarded clothes on the Kantamanto Market in Accra, then reclaims, relabels and re-contextualizes them to sell back to the Western world as high fashion in the cycle of capitalism. The label’s profits are donated to support young African designers. The DWMC™ collection launched at Paris FW 2018 and sold out in the first 3 days.